- Excavation, earthworks and demolition
- Cast-in-place concrete
- Machinery foundations
- Concrete Structures & Restoration
- Concrete slip form construction
- Wood framing & sheathing
- Dams: earth, controlling, power generation and breakwaters
- Grouting (injection and standard)
- Shoring
- Office and interior commercial and institutional construction and renovations
- Pre-Engineered Buildings
Custom Concrete
Slip Formed Concrete LightHouse / Observation Tower in Northern Ontario.
The project was brought in on time during a winter construction period with restrictive plumbness tolerances being met through rigorous quality assurance.

Custom designed cast in place concrete pool.
Tower and pool contained over 2,900 cu. M. of concrete.
HYDRO Station
Completed all formwork for the installation of a new turbine at the Dokis Power Generating Station.

Berthing Dolphin
Design build of access trestle and berthing dolphin for Laker sized vessels. Project included all site work, marine construction, pile driving, and concrete. A custom concrete cooling system was installed to allow for a high early strength mix to minimize port down time.
Pump Base Replacement
Cast Construction self performs all aspects of machinery foundation removals, retrofits and new construction including this pump base at Strathcona Mill.

Gyratory Crusher Dump Hopper Rework
Scope included concrete floor repairs, installation of new floor liners and wear shoes and the supply and installation of a new crusher outlet chute.

Transfer Point Replacements
Demolition of 100MT of existing chute work and replacement of all support steel, access platforms and chute work during a 14-day shut down on the primary transfer tower at the largest coal port on the west coast.
Demolition of existing concentrate chute and replacement with new directional flow chute work. Scope also included replacement of drive, gravity take up, tripper discharge system and settling and impact zones.

Ore Assay Sampling System
Design build of two Ore Sampling Systems in Northern Ontario. The systems included three stage sampling, one stage of reduction and all related foundations, supports and materials handling equipment.