Cast Construction provides a full range of piping fabrication and installation service, with fully certified and safety trained tradespeople and 24-hour emergency service available. Our staff and tradespeople have extensive experience with oxygen pipe fabrication, testing, installation and commissioning including the Vale oxygen pipe standard and the Vale oxygen pipe cleaning standard.
- 10,000 SF of shop space
- Carbon and stainless steel, specialty alloys, aluminum and other materials capabilities
- Five-ton overhead crane and work-station jib cranes
- CNC profiler, all diameter pipe rollers/positioners, threading equipment to 6”, specialty welding equipment, A wide range of Victaulic grooving and threading equipment
- Gas & steam fitters
- Pipe fitters, plumbers and welders
- Pipe Fusion Equipment
TSSA Authorizations:
- CSA B51 – ASME B31.1 – Power Piping
- CSA B51 – ASME B31.3 – Process Piping
- CSA B52 – ASME B31.5 – Refrigeration Piping
- CSA B51 – Fabrication of Boiler, Pressure Vessel and Pressure Piping
- CSA B51 – Field Repairs of Boiler, Pressure Vessel and Pressure Piping
- CSA B51 Section VIII, Division 1 – Manufacture of Pressure Vessels and Pressure Piping
TSSA Welding Procedures:
Multiple processes and all positions for (partial list only):
- Carbon Steel
- Stainless Steel (304, 316, 317, SMO C254, Hastalloy C276 and Titanium)
- Titanium
- Aluminum
- A333 Low Temperature Piping
- Seamless Pressure Piping
- Other procedures may be available upon request
CWB Welding Procedures:
All positions and all processes.